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Tired of endless scrolling? Meet MoviePal, your shortcut to discovering awesome movies. Built for movie lovers, it's the easiest way to find your new favorites.
Tired of endless scrolling? Meet MoviePal, your shortcut to discovering awesome movies. Built for movie lovers, it's the easiest way to find your new favorites.
Tired of endless scrolling? Meet MoviePal, your shortcut to discovering awesome movies. Built for movie lovers, it's the easiest way to find your new favorites.
how to use
how to use
how to use
• Create a list of your favorite movies/TV shows by selecting from top-rated or popular options
• Search through an autocomplete feature
• Discover similar movies/TV shows by selecting favorites or exploring randomly from your collection
• Create a list of your favorite movies/TV shows by selecting from top-rated or popular options
• Search through an autocomplete feature
• Discover similar movies/TV shows by selecting favorites or exploring randomly from your collection
• Create a list of your favorite movies/TV shows by selecting from top-rated or popular options
• Search through an autocomplete feature
• Discover similar movies/TV shows by selecting favorites or exploring randomly from your collection
Technologies Used
Technologies Used
Technologies Used
Design Tools
Design Tools
Figma, SVG to SwiftUI Converter
Figma, SVG to SwiftUI Converter
SwiftUI, Lottie, UIKit
SwiftUI, Lottie, UIKit
Asynchronous Operations
Asynchronous Operations
Concurrency and Combine
Concurrency and Combine
Persistent Storage
Persistent Storage
Core Data, UserDefaults, FileManager, Keychain
Core Data, UserDefaults, FileManager, Keychain
Firebase for Analytics and Crashlytics
Firebase for Analytics and Crashlytics
Vapor, PostgreSQL
Third-party API Integration
Third-party API Integration
TMDb and OpenAI
TMDb and OpenAI
Clean Architecture + MVVM-C
Clean Architecture + MVVM-C